Startup Bridge

Strengthening the Indian-Italian Innovation Ties


Italy’s Startup Ecosystem is a regional Leader in innovation, ranked at number 31 globally and at number 15 for startups in Western Europe. There are 42 Italian cities ranked in the top 1,000 and the top ranked city in Italy is Milan at 65 globally. Milan is followed by Rome at 143 and Turin at 273. Italy is an ideal place to locate for Foodtech, Health and Energy & Environment startups.

Quick Facts | India & Italy

  • Italy ranks 8th in the 2021 A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence Index
  • 151 newly-born Incubators and Accelerators
  • 32 Technology Parks and 25 Empowerment Programs
  • Italy is among the most attractive locations for investments in digital business models according to the Digital Tax Index.
  • GDP: 3rd in the Eurozone, 9th in the world

India Italy

Bridge Launch

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