Startup Bridge

Strengthening the Indian-Uae Innovation Ties


The UAE enjoys a world-class environment that supports and regulates the entrepreneurship sector, with an integrated system to incubate startups and accelerate their growth. The concerned government entities are developing initiatives and programs that serve as growth engines and major contributors to increasing the UAE's GDP. The entrepreneurship ecosystem in the UAE has been greatly enhanced through several decisive measures and decisions taken at the federal level, which include allowing full foreign ownership of companies in all activities, providing golden visas for entrepreneurs, in addition to dozens of promising advantages and incentives.

Quick Facts | India & UAE

  • Ranks 1st in Global Entrepreneurship Index 2022
  • Ranks 1st in the Middle East & Africa in terms of amount of funding and number of deals
  • Ranks 3rd countries on the skills of its workforce in the World Talent Ranking
  • #1 smartest city in MENA by IMD
  • #1 happiest city in the Arab region in the World Happiness

India UAE

Bridge Launch

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