Startup Bridge

Strengthening the Indian-Bangladesh Innovation Ties


With a population of 169 million people, boasting a youthful median age of 27, and experiencing improved access to mobile phones and the internet, Bangladesh offers a vast potential consumer base and a growing pool of skilled workers. The growing interest and confidence in the country's entrepreneurial potential is evident in the fact that startups in Bangladesh have raised more than USD 900 million since 2010. There are 30+ active Accelerators and Incubators in Bangladesh.

With a young tech adaptable population, comprising 48 percent smartphone usage penetration and 99 percent internet penetration, Bangladesh is on the road to a digitally inclusive future. This momentum was further propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the need for digitization was amplified across sectors during and after the pandemic.

Quick Facts | India & Bangladesh

  • Over 2,500 startups with funding of USD 924Mn
  • 381 startups with international funding
  • GDP of USD 460Bn
  • Vast consumer market with a population of 169Mn
  • 50% of the population under the age of 35

India Italy

Bridge Launch

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