Women Entrepreneurship in India

The increasing presence of women as entrepreneurs has led to significant business and economic growth in the country. Women-owned business enterprises are playing a prominent role in society by generating employment opportunities in the country, bringing in demographic shifts and inspiring the next generation of women founders.

With a vision to promote the sustainable development of women entrepreneurs for balanced growth in the country, Startup India is committed towards strengthening women entrepreneurship in India through initiatives, schemes, creation of enabling networks and communities and activating partnerships among diverse stakeholders in the startup ecosystem.

अगो॒णा/ निबिरयलु प्रोग्राम
Blogs by Women
Blockchain Technology
st May, The Ripple Effect of Investing in Women

Attributed by Ajaita Shah, Founder and CEO, Frontier Markets
Blockchain Technology
15हिं सितम्बर, 2020 सिख सेडहपकारीपणो जाईफयूंनि पारां हेल्थटेक में

गीता मजुमनाथ | शीलपा मलिक
Blockchain Technology
26 हिं मार्च, 2020 कोविड 19 खे पार करण लाई साथु वधाईंदड

- साईरी छाहाल, अडाईंदड सी ई ओ | शेरोस
Blockchain Technology
14 हिं अप्रेल, 2020 Bare Necessaties

- Sahar Mansoor | founder & CEO, Bare Necessities
Blockchain Technology
14 हिं अप्रेल, 2020 आई ई वी वाई माहोलियाती हल स्टार्टअप इण्डिया सां कमु करण मथसि

- डा. विनिता प्रसाद, जोडाईंदड ऐं डाईरेक्टर, आर ई वी वाई